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Cenote Chaak Tun

Cenote Chaak Tun
Parque Ecológico
Horas: 09:00 - 16:00 hrs.
Precios Adultos Desde: $ 600
Precios Niños Desde: $ 300
Con descuento de local
Playa del Carmen

Acerca de Cenote Chaak Tun

Cenote Chaak Tun is an almost virgin natural park located on the outskirts of Playa del Carmen. It is a wonderful place, you can find both the necessary equipment to make it safe and accessible on your journey and the conservation of its virgin and natural beauty with areas that are still unexplored. You and your family will be able to enter beautiful caverns full of stalactites and stalagmites illuminated by the sun’s rays. Due to the type of cenote, the water there is very cold. It has very deep areas and others for the little ones that are very short and with much more light.

The tour is with a guide and is already included in the price. Also with your ticket they give you a locker, vest and viewer. There is a bathroom and a restaurant on the premises. Because of the type of cenote, I recommend going with children 4+ and bringing water shoes. To take photos I suggest you bring a water camera or go pro. They offer a photo package at an additional cost in case you require it. Due to flora, you can find animals such as monkeys, iguanas and bats.

Have you visited Cenote Chaak Tun? Please tell us about your experience in the comments below. Remember that at KIDSin we are moms and dads like you writing about our favorite places to go for a walk with our children. I invite you to visit our other sections where you will find information about the best schools, classes, restaurants and more.

¿Dónde está Cenote Chaak Tun?

horario Horario: 9:00 a 16:00 hrs.

ubicación Dirección: Final de la Av. Juárez

formas de pago Formas de pago: Efectivo, Tarjetas

Cómo llegar: Puedes llegar por la avenida Lilis al topar con la Av. Juárez dar vuelta a la derecha y a dos minutos de lado izquierdo lo encontrarás.

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Foto del autor


Mamá de un pequeño niño de 3 años, me gusta viajar, comer, escribir y jugar al golf. Escribir y compartir mis experiencias con otras mamás me motiva. Conozco las joyas de playa ideales para ir con nuestros niños.

Ayuda a otras mamás y papás compartiendo esta información

Conoce otros parques en Playa del Carmen

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* Campos obigatorios

1 opiniones de Cenote Chaak Tun

Valoración general

estrella amarrilla estrella amarrilla estrella amarrilla estrella amarrilla estrella amarrilla   ( 5/5 )


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Calidad / Precio

estrella amarrilla estrella amarrilla estrella amarrilla estrella amarrilla estrella amarrilla

Samanta - 24/01/2022

estrella amarrilla estrella amarrilla estrella amarrilla estrella amarrilla estrella amarrilla

A los niños les encanto y cre que gran parte de esto se debe a los guías y la interacción que tienen con las familias.