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Parque Cancún

Parque Cancún
Parques Públicos
Horas: L - S 7:00 a 10:00 a.m. y 16:00 a 19:00 horas (sujeto a cambios)
Precios Adultos Desde: Gratis
Precios Niños Desde: Gratis
No hay descuento de local
Blvd Colosio

Acerca de Parque Cancún

Parque Cancún is a large outdoor space, open to the public. It was created with the main objective of promoting coexistence between beautiful gardens of native vegetation, trails and viewpoints, as well as outdoor activities for all ages. As background, this place was a municipal garbage dump in this city and is the first to be converted into a free public park. It is located between the end of Avenida Bonampak and Blvd Luis D. Colosio.


Within its facilities you will find: parking, toilets, benches and tables around the park. Remember that there are no garbage cans, as they have the “what I bring, I take with me” program, so we suggest you bring a garbage bag for your waste. It is not pet friendly and you cannot introduce alcoholic beverages or smoke in any area.

We suggest you bring your water and snacks since there are no stores, here you can have a picnic. Also do not forget to bring your sunscreen, hat and mosquito repellent. Because the tour is long, avoid bringing a lot of things as you will be walking a lot. You can access with a stroller, also a scooter, skates, bike or skateboard so that the little ones do not get so tired. It is important to consider that if you enter the Skate Park, the kids bring a helmet.

Sections in the Cancun Park

The place is very large and has different divisions so that you can enjoy it as:

  • Bike path and walkers.
  • Evolution Garden.
  • Meditation Garden.
  • Planetary Garden.
  • Sculpture Garden.
  • Time capsule.
  • Skatepark.
  • Human Library.
  • Visionary Rocks Garden.
  • Aluxes Garden.
  • Giant Chess.
  • Viewpoint of the Park.

The place is projected to open many more sections, exhibitions, 2 museums and cultural forums this year. The sections that are about to open are: Garden of reconciliation and peace, Museum of non-dumped waste, Biocultural Museum, Open Forum, Mangroves, Petenario, Walk of Nations with photographic exhibitions and more.

Children will benefit the most, as there is a calendar with activities on weekends exclusively for them. They will also be able to actively participate in caring for the park, through interesting conservation programs, as well as audio guides to teach yoy all about every corner of the Park.

Excursions for groups or schools

If you want to visit  Parque Cancúnwith your children’s school or in a business way, you must send an email to [email protected], and you will receive an email back where the procedure to coordinate your visit will be indicated.

Do you already know Parque Cancún? For moms and dads who read KIDSin, your recommendations are very important, let us know which sections the kids liked the most. If you want to know more open spaces to go with your family, consult our section of the Best Parks in Cancun.

¿Dónde está Parque Cancún?

horario Horario: L - S 7:00 a 10:00 a.m. y 16:00 a 19:00 horas (sujeto a cambios)

ubicación Dirección: Av. Kabah y al Bulevar Luis D. Colosio, Lateral 16 de Abril.

formas de pago Formas de pago: Gratuito

Cómo llegar:

  • Desde el aeropuerto, toma el Bulevar Luis D. Colosio en dirección a Plaza Las Américas, en la glorieta del Monumento a la antigua Torre de Control, gira a la derecha y toma la calle lateral 16 de Abril. Continúa sobre esa vía aproximadamente un kilómetro hasta encontrar la entrada al parque. Después del edificio residencial Beyond Towers encontrarás la entrada al parque.

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Mamá de un pequeño niño de 3 años, me gusta viajar, comer, escribir y jugar al golf. Escribir y compartir mis experiencias con otras mamás me motiva. Conozco las joyas de playa ideales para ir con nuestros niños.

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