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Biblioteca Ángeles Mastretta

Biblioteca Ángeles Mastretta
Poblado Puerto Aventuras
Horas: L-S 8 a 20 hrs. Domingo Cerrado
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Acerca de Biblioteca Ángeles Mastretta

The Ángeles Mastretta Library is located in the municipality of Solidaridad but within the town of Puerto Aventuras. It was inaugurated in 2018 for the benefit of the town of Puerto Aventuras and towns like Akumal. Her name Ángeles Mastretta is in recognition of the Mexican writer and journalist who is married to the writer Héctor Aguilar Camín, born in Chetumal.

It has a space of around 500 m2 of construction. We love their facilities because they are practically new. They offer reading areas, a reception, a playroom, offices, a wine cellar, a children’s room for children, ramps for people with disabilities and equipped bathrooms. It also offers parking for 10 vehicles.

It has free Wi-Fi, air conditioning and ventilation. It has more than 2,500 literary titles of all genres. These are divided into different modules both on the top floor and on the ground floor. On the outside there is a small square, which was made in order to be able to hold book exhibitions or events.

This place is ideal to spend an afternoon with your children, explore new topics, do your homework and you can even work because the internet speed is high. Have you been to the Angeles Mastretta Library? Leave us your comments and recommendations. We invite you to continue reading our Science and Culture section where you will find more spaces like this. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook & Instagram and share your favorite articles.

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¿Dónde está Biblioteca Ángeles Mastretta?

horario Horarios: L-S 8 a 20 hrs. Domingo Cerrado

ubicación Dirección: 77733 Puerto Aventuras, Q.R.

Cómo llegar: Entrando al poblado de Puerto Aventuras, pasas el Chedraui y sigues todo derecho hasta donde esta el domo.

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